Durham University2020 - PresentPhD in Computational ChemistryPhD as part of the SOFI2 CDT researching percolation in active systems using Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations and custom analysis algorithms.
- C
- Python
- Linux
- Presentations
The University of Edinburgh2015 - 2020MPhys Physics (1st Class)Undergraduate integrated masters in Physics. Masters project was on microrheology of entangled DNA, which has been published in Nature Communcations.
- Microscopy
- Biological sample preparation
- Particle tracking
- Python
- Linux
Dynamic percolation in composite materialsPoster, CCP5 Summer SchoolOnline
Percolation of active Brownian particlesPoster, Chemistry Department Postgraduate SymposiumDurham University, UK
Re-entrant percolation of active brownian hard disksTalk, Invited SeminarUCM, Madrid, Spain
Re-entrant percolation of active Brownian hard disksTalk, Chemistry Department Postgraduate SymposiumDurham University, UK
Re-entrant percolation of active Brownian hard disksTalk, SOFI ShowcaseDurham, UK
Quantifying effective interactions in active Brownian hard disksPoster, International Soft Matter Conference 2023Osaka, Japan
Nature Communications, 13, 4389 (2022)
Soft Matter
Bus TrackerThis bus timetable tracker was designed to be displayed on TVs in the reception areas of student accommodations. Using the company colour palette, the React front end updates the time for the next buses every 60 seconds by fetching the data from a custom built API. The custom API was written in NodeJS and provides an interface between the front end and the City of Edinburgh Council's API. This allows for custom bus stops and destinations to be filtered and easily added, modified or removed.This has now been running for 18 months in the client's buildings without issue and is completely free for them to host on any of the generous free hosting platforms e.g. Heroku (no-longer free) or Netlify.
- React
- NodeJS
- Heroku